If you order a soda in South Africa, it's quite possible that the shop assistant will ask you where you're from, how long you've been in Africa, how you're getting on and, most likely, how you like the place. South Africans have worked hard to build their identity as the 'rainbow nation', and are genuinely earnest in their desire that visitors should have a good time. So, don't be surprised to be speaking with the locals after just a few minutes as if you've been friends with them for years! |
Scuba Guru - What Does It Mean to Be a Rescue Diver? |
"Rescue Diver". The name evokes a Bruce Willis-esque situation where a diver's life is in jeopardy. There's an ambulance on the way - and maybe even a helicopter, but by the time they arrive it'll be too late. It's up to one courageous diver whose entire life has been leading up to this moment.
....or something along those lines. Right?
Most divers find wrecked ships, airplanes and even automobiles nearly irresistible. They're intriguing to explore and usually teeming with aquatic life. Take the PADI Wreck Diver course this month and you'll learn techniques for diving on wrecks, how to avoid common hazards, researching the history of wrecks and more. Contact your local PADI Dive Center or Resort to enroll.
Join Society and see life in Palau from 15-24 September 2010 and experience world-class diving and the hospitality of Sam's Dive Tours. Check out the current schedule (PDF) and read about this all-inclusive event and of the Society shenanigans! Visit for more details. |