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Self Improvement Month

Gurus are all about self improvement and sharing this knowledge with others. Now, Self Improvement Month isn't until September, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't embrace change every now and again to make yourself a better person. Or, in the Dive Guru's case - a better diver.

Improving yourself as a diver can take many forms. Let's start with the very basics.







Be Prepared for PADI Diving Society's Ocean Safari

PADI Diving Society heads to Sipadan, Borneo March 2012 for Society's Ocean Safari. Prepare for some of the best diving in the world by taking a PADI Specialty course before you go! Contact your local PADI Dive Center or Resort to sign up for the event and a few specialty courses while you count down to this unforgettable event. Not only will it make for a more enjoyable trip, but you'll become a more skilled and knowledgeable diver.




The Maldives

Everything underwater in the Maldives comes supersized. You don't encounter a single manta ray, you see a bakers dozen. And, if a multi-manta encounter isn't sufficiently heart stopping, whale sharks occasionally come along for the ride. But, it gets bigger and it gets better. Schools of snapper, grunts, bigeyes and jacks pour over the reef in thick aggregations better described as plagues or besieging legions rather than mere schools. Then there are the sharks. In the passes and at the wild edges where currents cross, get ready to connect with the men in the grey suits.




Get diving now with these travel specials.

